
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Two-Strand Twist

Two-Strand Twists
The style for the week & hopefully the weeks to come.  This here are the results:

Two strand twists can be done on wet or dry hair.  Since I'd been wearing my hair in a puff pony tail and it was pretty stretched out I decided to do dry twist thinking that I wanted to go for length.  I have VERY thin hair in my opinion and as a result my twists always look "scalpy"(you know how you can see the parts/not full).

After watching a couple of YouTube videos I decided to give it a second chance and was very successful with the result this time around.  So here are a few tips:
1. Don't try to twist your hair all in one setting especially if you don't have any help.  Once you start getting tired you get lazy and your style suffers.  You won't care about parting it well or the size of the twist, you just want to GET IT DONE!!! So, take your time and do a little bit at a time I started with the front, then the back and lastly the middles. Which allowed me to wear my hair in a ponytail until I was finished.

2. Try to part your hair as even as possible and keep your twist the same size.  When parting I find it best to stagger the twist so that they are not all lined up(if that makes any since...kinda like "every other" <--that probably doesn't help lol).

3. When twisting the two pieces of hair together make sure they are even amounts and of the same length.  Its best not to add hair from the other piece as you twist because this will cause tangling and knotting when it's time to take it down.

After I finished my entire head I didn't care for it AT ALL! The first day I wore it all in a ponytail thinking "oh well I"m keeping these for at least two weeks".  At this time my hair was completely straight even the ends of the twist which was not want I wanted. so i sprayed them with water then put some oil on the ends to help them curl up.  this was much better but to my dismay the looked thin and scrawny.  So I figured why not just spray my whole head with water so they "will puff up."  I initially I was concerned about shrinkage but I figured it would be worth a shot.   After spraying it they "puffed up" and became fuller and the shrinkage helped it to look fuller which is what was my main issue the first go round. 

So, I'm happy with the results and falling in love with my hair :-)

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